Books for bloggers is almost a genre unto to itself. These books cover everything from setting up your blog to monetization to the philosophy that guides successful bloggers. Here are some of the most useful, and inspiring, books for bloggers. The Art of Non-Conformity By Chris Guillebeau The Art of nonconformity could be called the […]

5 Books that Every Blogger Should Read

Guerrilla Marketing Hacks to Help You Make Your Blog Visible
Every day, a typical person who goes online is bombarded with countless advertisements – left, right and center. As a result, many prospective customers end up becoming immune to the ads. Using the same type of advertisement as everyone else is fast becoming ineffective; and is regarded as vanilla marketing. At the opposite end of […]

Five Simple Strategies to Make Your Blog Posts Go Viral
These days driving traffic to a website or blog isn’t easy. Building hundreds of low-quality links with the help of automated systems isn’t an effective strategy anymore. In fact such methods can do more harm than good. Luckily you can still get tons of exposure by harnessing the power of social networks. In the following […]

6 Useful Productivity Tools for Bloggers
One of the major complaints often heard from bloggers is that ‘I want to blog, but I’m not finding enough time to do it’. Yes, it’s true – tasks like researching, writing, publishing and promoting require a great deal of time. However, nowadays there are many tools readily available on the internet which can make […]