How to Price Your Skills as a Freelancer

There is no set template, formula or set of guidelines on how best to determine the worth of your skills as a freelancer to a prospective client. Determining how much a client will pay you for your work is as much a hit and miss as finding work as a freelancer is. However, a few intangible metrics, mostly based on common sense, can help you land on a number that is what you rightfully deserve for the job.

Get to Know Your Client’s Budget

Knowing how much your client is willing to pay for the job is an important criterion to be followed. This will help you to know straight off the mark whether your services can indeed be valued within the provided budget range or whether you will have to decline because the remuneration is lower than you prefer. And, speaking of valuing your services;

Know How Much Value Your Services are Providing to the Client

Formally termed as value-based pricing, this is one of the few methods of pricing around the freelancing community that actually makes a lot of sense. Upon acquiring a prospective client, it is important that you stress on the value of your skills and services. Proving your value in tangible figures may be easy or hard depending on the nature of the job. Bottom line is, the more the client understands how valuable your services are, the better your income will be.

Different Jobs Deserve Different Remunerations

The best (and worst) part of being a freelancer is that no two jobs are completely alike unless they are from the same client. As such, based on your knowledge of the client, or even the initial vibe you get from them, you can decide how much your income for the particular job should be.

For instance, while two clients may offer jobs that are similar in scale, working with one client might be more enjoyable for you personally while working with the other could mean slaving a bit more on your part to get it done. It only makes sense to get paid more for the latter job.

Keep in mind that nothing is set in stone when it comes to pricing your skills. The better you get, the more you can (and should) charge for every job. That should serve as the fundamental guideline to pricing your skills as a freelancer.

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