As a freelancer, you need to be proficient in hard skills as well as soft skills to succeed. You might be scratching your head wondering what the difference between the two is. Read on to find out. What is the difference between hard skills and soft skills? First, let us make a distinction between hard […]
Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: Things You Need to Know as a Freelancer

Sales Techniques You Need to Adopt as a Freelancer
Sales is a critical aspect of your job as a freelancer. You need to constantly hustle to ensure that you have enough projects to keep you busy and keep the dollars rolling in. Read on for some sales techniques you need to adopt as a freelancer: 1) Have a positive approach: When you are a […]

How Can Freelancers Manage Their Invoices Effectively
As a freelancer, one of the best feelings is when you paid promptly. But, to ensure you do get paid in time, you need to have a simple yet effective invoicing system in place. Read on for our tips on how can freelancers manage their invoices effectively. 1) Get the basics in place: Make sure […]

How to Gain the Trust of the Freelancers Working for You
As an employer of freelancers, it is essential to get them to trust you. If they feel you are trustworthy, they will go out of their way to do excellent work for you. Read on for our tips on how to gain the trust of the freelancers working for you. 1) Pay them on time: […]

Things You Need to Work Effectively in a Remote Team
So you have made the shift from being a solo freelancer to working as part of a team of freelancers. The transition may be a bit difficult if you have worked independently earlier. But, you should come up to speed quickly to get the most out of working with a remote team. How do you […]