Ecommerce Packaging Tips That Will Please Customers

An ecommerce transaction for a retail purchase is complete once the product has been successfully delivered to your customer. The kind of packaging an ecommerce merchant uses has an impact on overall customer experience. Here are some ecommerce packaging tips that will please customers:

1) Choose your packaging material wisely:

If you sell clothing or other products that are not fragile, you can ship them in poly bags which are water resistant and durable. You can also use poly bags to ship pillows, stuffed animals, and other similar items. Consider shipping all other types of products in a corrugated cardboard box. Corrugated cardboard boxes are lightweight yet sturdy. These features make them an excellent choice for shipping fragile items. Don’t neglect to wrap the products in bubble wrap which goes a long way in protecting them in the case of a sudden impact.

2) Single box packing versus double box packing:

a) Single box packing for non-fragile orders:

Place your products in a good-quality single corrugated box ensuring you surround the product with filler. You can wrap the products in bubble wrap or submerge them in loose filler material like packaging peanuts. Close the flaps properly and tape the seams on all sides of the box.

b) Double-box packing for fragile orders:

Double-box packing is packing a box within a box. The smaller box will hold the product you are shipping along with some filler material. This box is then packed inside a larger box along with substantially more filler material. The reason for doing this is to prevent the smaller box from moving and for protection in case of inadvertent impact. This type of packing will add to your costs and will be more expensive to ship than a single box order. However, in such cases give priority to ensuring the safety of your fragile items. Doing so will also prevent the chance of customer disappointment.

3) Become environmentally friendly

Deliver your products in environmentally friendly packaging. Doing this will highlight your eco-friendliness and do wonders for your brand. According to a survey of more than 500 online shoppers, 57% said that eco-friendly packaging by the retailer is an important factor for them. Opting for recycled cardboard boxes can bring down your costs by up to 40% Do your bit for the environment and save money while you are doing it too.

Packaging is an important aspect of ecommerce product fulfillment. You get the opportunity to impress your customers and increase brand loyalty. Proper packaging equals higher customer satisfaction levels.

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