As an ecommerce site owner, you would love the possibility of having thousands of people visiting your site each day. But, what would your reaction be if the majority of these visitors were bots and scrapers? Your competitors could be using bots and scrapers to harvest data from your site for their own nefarious purposes. […]

How to Protect Your E-commerce Site From Data Scrapers

How to Encourage Customer Loyalty on Your eCommerce Site
With ecommerce sites a dime a dozen, it is important to nurture customer loyalty to increase your revenues with the help of repeat orders. Here are a few tips on how to encourage customer loyalty on your ecommerce site: 1) Use Social Media in an efficient fashion: Social media is a powerful tool in building […]

Importance of Blogging for eCommerce Site Owners
A lot of business owners are not able to visualize the benefits of blogging for their ecommerce sites. If you have hundreds or thousands of products how will blogging bring you any benefits? Read on to know about the importance of blogging for ecommerce site owners: 1) Blogging improves your search engine ranking: Blogging can […]

Things to Do to Reinvigorate a Failing Ecommerce Business
You may have started your ecommerce business with lots of expectations. But now that some time has passed, you realize that you are barely keeping it afloat. Before you despair and shut down your business, take some time out to think about how to improve the situation. Here are some things to do to reinvigorate […]

Pros and Cons of Using Natural Language Software to Generate Product Descriptions
Natural language software is the wave of the future when it comes to writing product descriptions. Or is it? Read on for a look at the pros and cons of generating product descriptions with the help of natural language software. Pros: 1) It is possible to generate thousands of product descriptions in a very short […]