As an employer of freelancers, it is essential to get them to trust you. If they feel you are trustworthy, they will go out of their way to do excellent work for you. Read on for our tips on how to gain the trust of the freelancers working for you. 1) Pay them on time: […]

How to Gain the Trust of the Freelancers Working for You

How to Regain Your Motivation to Work after the Holidays
A long holiday break can cause some to want to sleep in, slack off, and take another day off. Maybe you find yourself yawning a little more than usual? Well, here’s some inspiration and a few tips to get yourself back into your work routine. Fix your sleep schedule First thing’s first, getting a good […]

Ecommerce Packaging Tips That Will Please Customers
An ecommerce transaction for a retail purchase is complete once the product has been successfully delivered to your customer. The kind of packaging an ecommerce merchant uses has an impact on overall customer experience. Here are some ecommerce packaging tips that will please customers: 1) Choose your packaging material wisely: If you sell clothing or […]

How to Launch an Online Store with a Full-Time Job
You have a brilliant business idea and you want to implement it, but you also have a full-time job and are afraid of taking the full plunge into an uncertain enterprise without first knowing how it will pan out. Thankfully, you can start your e-commerce store as you intend while still keeping your full-time job, […]

10 Common eCommerce Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Business has moved to the World Wide Web. Entrepreneurs are keen to take advantage of all the new and exciting opportunities that the internet has to offer but if not done right, your eCommerce business will suffer from a number of issues that many fail to take into account. Here’s a list of 10 eCommerce […]