Creating a Freelancer Profile That Works

With freelancing becoming popular all over the world, it may not be easy to win projects unless you have a profile that stands out. Think of your freelancer profile as an important means to grab a prospective client’s attention. If a client is not impressed with your profile, chances are he will not read your project bid at all. Read on for our tips on creating a freelancing profile that works.

1) Upload a professional profile picture:

Dress professionally, pose against an uncluttered background and don’t forget to smile. Smiling makes you seem more approachable. It also helps make the client feel that you are a person he will get along with. Consider getting your photograph shot by a professional. Doing so may seem to be an unnecessary expense, but will definitely be worth it in the long run.

2) Don’t use a fake name:

Use your real name on your profile. Fake names (e.g.: James Smith, or SEOGreg and the like), will make clients wonder whether you have something to hide. Think of your freelancing profile as an online resume. You wouldn’t make up a fake name when applying for a job now would you? Also, don’t abbreviate your name (Brad C. or Joanna S.). It’s your name after all, put it down on your profile.

3) Use attractive and crisp titles:

If you are a copywriter with 5 years of experience, then your profile title should say “Copywriter with 5+ years of experience”. Doing so will help clients get a summary of your area of expertise and the years you have been practicing your skills.

4) Write a good overview:

After writing the title, the next step is writing a proper overview. You have a chance to sell yourself in a few words so think carefully before you write those words. Think of this as an elevator pitch, only on paper (or rather on your profile!). Pen down skills which have the potential of adding value to client projects. Start with the essential information first since clients will be scanning your profile in a matter of seconds. Cut to the chase in the beginning and keep the fluff away. Ideally, you should write down:

a) The kind of work you can do and which sector you would like to work in
b) The amount of experience you hold in your field
c) Any accomplishments that you are proud of

Make sure you highlight how your unique skills will help potential clients reach business goals.

5) Provide samples and references:

Make sure that your profile has sufficient samples and references. If you have got great feedback from a past client, don’t be shy of including it in your profile. Use testimonials that you’ve got in the past to help develop confidence in a potential client. It is also important to have just enough samples of your past work. If you are a graphic designer, it is perfectly acceptable to upload 4 or 5 samples of your previous work. On the other hand, if you have dozens of samples, it’s a better idea to upload them online and paste a link into your profile.

Your profile has just a few seconds to impress potential clients. Taking time to write it following our tips above will help you catch the attention of clients. That is the first step to ensuring that the client goes on to read your project proposal.

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