Every website owner knows how important site speed is for online success. Not only is it an important ranking factor but it has also been shown to have a dramatic effect on conversion rates, no matter what you’re trying to sell. Therefore using a CDN should be a no-brainer. A content delivery network dramatically improves […]

How to Configure StackPath CDN for Maximum SEO Benefits

How to Build Authority for Your Blog
Spend any amount of time blogging and you will hear how important it is to build authority for your blog or website. You hear the same phrases and advice over and over again: you need to be an authority, you need to be an expert, you need to show your expertise and value. That’s not […]

Top 10 SEO Mistakes To Avoid with Google
There’s no shame in wanting to be at the very top of Google’s search engine rankings. After all, over 95% of all searchers are going to look only at first page results. If they don’t see what they’re looking for, they’ll most likely try a new search term. The traffic is from the front page, […]

The History of Google Updates and What You Can Learn from Them Today!
The recent history of search engine optimization (SEO) revolves around a few updates that have been provided by the largest search engine: Google. Nicknamed after cute animals, the recent Google updates of Google Panda, Google Penguin, and the Hummingbird update are well known among all SEO specialists and indicate three of the largest overhauls to […]

How Social Media Affects Your SEO Efforts
There have been an amazing number of changes in SEO efforts over the past several years, and one of the big shifts has been the importance of social media. While having a good social media presence is a smart idea in and of itself, since it gives you so many ways to reach your target […]