With freelancing becoming popular all over the world, it may not be easy to win projects unless you have a profile that stands out. Think of your freelancer profile as an important means to grab a prospective client’s attention. If a client is not impressed with your profile, chances are he will not read your […]

Creating a Freelancer Profile That Works

Mistakes That You Must Avoid When Bidding on a Project
Are you a freelancer without projects to work on? Have you been submitting proposals all over without getting a single win? There may be some very simple mistakes you are making in the bidding process. Read on to know more about mistakes that you must avoid when bidding on a project. 1) Bidding on projects […]

Profile Picture Tips That Every Freelancer Needs to Follow
Your profile picture is perhaps the most important weapon in your arsenal in making a great impression as a freelancer. Potential clients get bombarded with 100’s of profiles each day. To impress them you must take appropriate steps to ensure that your profile stands out. How do you do that? By making sure your profile […]

How to Convince Your Old Clients to Hire You Again
Every experienced freelancer knows that it is easier, cheaper, and less time consuming to convince an old client to rehire you than it is to find a new one. Whether you’re a freelancer, an SEO, a programmer, a web designer or a writer, the success of your freelance business depends quite a bit on your […]

Can Freelancers Promote Themselves in the Offline World?
Most freelancers think that the only way to get their next gig is using online means. With freelancing sites a dime-a-dozen, few freelancers think of marketing themselves offline. So, can freelancers promote themselves in the offline world? Yes, they can. Read on to know more. 1. Word of mouth: Don’t be shy to ask your […]