Are you thinking of investing in a premium WordPress theme? If yes then you should decide very carefully because a bloated premium themes can harm your website.

Why Bloated Premium WordPress Themes are Bad for Business

Do I Really Need a Premium Theme?
Premium WordPress themes are amazing for giving your website a quick face-lift. However nowadays many coders get too carried away during development and end up creating bloated themes. Here’s why you should avoid such themes.
Phosphor WordPress Theme
With more that a dozen skins and several customization options, Phosphor is a theme that you can truly make your own. You can alter things like color scheme, typography, layout, and sidebar width to ensure that your site is truly unique and looks exactly the way you want. In addition it was designed with a […]

WordPress Wizardry: Should I Go with a Free Theme or Pay for Premium?
You don’t have to look too hard to figure out why so many Internet marketers love WordPress. There are literally tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of themes available and many of them are easy to customize and change to it’s not obvious they’re WP. In other words, whatever colors, designs, or setups […]

5 Things to Look for in a WordPress Music Theme
For the most part, there are two different groups of people that visit a band’s website: those who are just finding out about the band and are interested in listening to them for the first time, and those who are already fans of the band and want to know what they’re up to and when […]