Theme frameworks can be used to turn your WordPress site into just about anything you want it to become from a news site to an online store. There are many different types of themes out there, but we’re going to stick to five of the most popular types of theme frameworks. Now let’s take a […]

4 Best WordPress Theme Frameworks

Top 25 Premium BuddyPress Themes
BuddyPress is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create state-of-the-art community websites and social networks. It requires absolutely no programming experience and is 100% free. Moreover its features are much better than those of expensive scripts and applications. On a BuddyPress site users can create profiles, form groups, take part in forum discussions and […]

WordPress Wide Web
With each new step forward in technology comes apprehension often rooted in fear. When the first printing press was introduced in 1455 Gutenberg changed the world and how it viewed books and printed material. This change was not at all welcome by those in power and there was a loud cry against the new technology […]