As a freelancer without any set routine, it is important to structure your day to achieve maximum productivity. It’s all too easy to slip into laziness and procrastination and before you know it, the day has ended without you achieving much. Read on for our tips on things to do before starting your work day: […]

Things to Do Before Starting Your Work Day

Things Freelance Employers Can Do to Ensure Timely Deliveries
If you work with freelancers, you might have faced delays in project deliveries. There are certain things you should do to ensure that your project is a success and is delivered on time. Read on for our tips on things employers can do to ensure timely deliveries. 1) Create a project brief and write down […]

How to Launch an Online Store with a Full-Time Job
You have a brilliant business idea and you want to implement it, but you also have a full-time job and are afraid of taking the full plunge into an uncertain enterprise without first knowing how it will pan out. Thankfully, you can start your e-commerce store as you intend while still keeping your full-time job, […]