Every day, a typical person who goes online is bombarded with countless advertisements – left, right and center. As a result, many prospective customers end up becoming immune to the ads. Using the same type of advertisement as everyone else is fast becoming ineffective; and is regarded as vanilla marketing. At the opposite end of […]

Guerrilla Marketing Hacks to Help You Make Your Blog Visible

Writing for the Web – How Is It Different from Traditional Writing?
Everyone knows that writing for the web is vastly different from traditional print writing. People scanning the web for information have much shorter attention spans, different eye tracking patterns when reading online content as opposed to reading a book or a magazine, and want their information given to them in small bits and pieces. Here […]
What Is a CDN and How Can It Help Improve Website Speed?
Website speed affects every metric that is relevant to your online business. Whether you’re looking at bounce rate, conversions, or search engine rankings, it’s crucial that your site loads as quickly as possible. Content Delivery Networks can help you do that. Does Speed Really Affect Rankings? The answer is a resounding yes. Speed is an […]
Is Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) Worth the Cost?
A content delivery network consists of several servers spread throughout the world. All these servers have a mirror image of your website. When someone tries to load a certain webpage, the server closest to his or her physical location is used for content delivery. This technology may seem too complicated but these days it is […]

Five Simple Strategies to Make Your Blog Posts Go Viral
These days driving traffic to a website or blog isn’t easy. Building hundreds of low-quality links with the help of automated systems isn’t an effective strategy anymore. In fact such methods can do more harm than good. Luckily you can still get tons of exposure by harnessing the power of social networks. In the following […]