One of my favorite things about WordPress and PHP development is the ease of entry they have to offer. Just install the LAMP stack on your machine, open a text editor and you are on your way to developing awesome WordPress plugins. This is how I started my development journey. When my plugin got approved […]

How to Release Your Plugin on Using SVN

Should You Hire and Work with Low-Cost Designers?
One of the hardest questions for hiring managers to answer is how much to pay a new hire. You have to consider both the market price for that job and your own budget and needs. In the world of design, the range of talent and price is incredibly varied, making the decision all the more […]

10 Productivity Tools for Web Developers
Working as a web developer can be a time consuming endeavor, especially if the project involves a new challenge. If you find yourself in unknown territory, it is important not to waste too much time getting the project completed. Since time is a key factor in productivity, working efficiently enables you to deliver better value […]

Why WordPress Is the Choice of Marketers
WordPress holds some lofty and impressive numbers. Nearly 19% of all the websites in the world use WP as their method for uploading content and creating designs. This number is staggering and accounts for many tens of millions of websites worldwide, with more being built every single day. Some people have thought of WP as […]

WordPress Wizardry: Should I Go with a Free Theme or Pay for Premium?
You don’t have to look too hard to figure out why so many Internet marketers love WordPress. There are literally tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of themes available and many of them are easy to customize and change to it’s not obvious they’re WP. In other words, whatever colors, designs, or setups […]